New South Wales Government
Official notification of the making of statutory instruments and other legislative events
Week beginning 9 November 2009
(Last updated
1 NSW statutory instruments published on the NSW legislation website
Proclamations commencing Acts
NilRegulations and other statutory instruments
Fair Trading Amendment (Magnetic Toys) Regulation 2009 (2009-531) — published LW 13 November 2009
Firearms Amendment Regulation 2009 (2009-532) — published LW 13 November 2009
Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Amendment (Vapour Recovery) Regulation 2009 (2009-533) — published LW 13 November 2009
Environmental Planning Instruments
NilFor maps to EPIs that adopt or follow the standard instrument, see the relevant principal instrument in Browse In Force or Search In Force on www.legislation.nsw.gov.au.
2 NSW miscellaneous statutory instruments published in the Gazette
For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.
3 Legislative events relating to NSW
Consultation or Exposure Bills
Court Information Bill 2009
Bills introduced etc
Child Protection Legislation (Registrable Persons) Amendment Bill 2009
Constitution Amendment (Lieutenant-Governor) Bill 2009
Crimes Amendment (Fraud, Identity and Forgery Offences) Bill 2009
Electricity Supply Amendment (GGAS) Bill 2009
Electricity Supply Amendment (Solar Bonus Scheme) Bill 2009
Emergency Services Legislation Amendment (Finance) Bill 2009
Graffiti Control Amendment Bill 2009
Historic Houses Amendment (Throsby Park Historic Site) Bill 2009
Independent Commission Against Corruption and Ombudsman Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Automatic Enrolment) Bill 2009
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill 2009
Public Sector Restructure (Miscellaneous Acts Amendments) Bill 2009
Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2009
Swimming Pools Amendment Bill 2009
Trade Measurement (Repeal) Bill 2009
Trustee Companies Amendment Bill 2009
Valuation of Land Amendment Bill 2009
Water Management Amendment Bill 2009
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Political Donations) Bill 2009
Save the Graythwaite Estate Bill 2009
Surface Coal Mining Prohibition (Lake Macquarie) Bill 2009
Bills revised following amendment in Committee
Food Amendment (Beef Grading) Bill 2009
State Emergency Service Amendment Bill 2009
Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009
Constitution Amendment (Lieutenant-Governor) Bill 2009
Emergency Services Legislation Amendment (Finance) Bill 2009
Food Amendment (Food Safety Supervisors) Bill 2009
Health Practitioner Regulation Bill 2009
Industrial Relations Further Amendment (Jurisdiction of Industrial Relations Commission) Bill 2009
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill 2009
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Special Number-Plates) Bill 2009
State Emergency Service Amendment Bill 2009
State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment Bill (No 2) 2009
Acts assented to
NilFor the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website.
Other events
Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc
Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (Reprint No 1)