New South Wales Government

Official notification of the making of statutory instruments and other legislative events

Week beginning 3 August 2009

(Last updated 7 August 2009 at 10:51)

1 NSW statutory instruments published on the NSW legislation website

Proclamations commencing Acts


Regulations and other statutory instruments

Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (General Commercial and Industrial Code) Regulation 2009 (2009-386) — published LW 5 August 2009
Food Amendment (Food Safety Auditors) Regulation 2009 (2009-388) — published LW 7 August 2009
University of Sydney Amendment (Senate Elections) By-law 2009 (2009-389) — published LW 7 August 2009
Water Industry Competition (General) Amendment (Extension of Transitional Exemption) Regulation 2009 (2009-390) — published LW 7 August 2009
Workers Compensation Amendment (Latest Index Number) Regulation (No 2) 2009 (2009-391) — published LW 7 August 2009

Environmental Planning Instruments

Nambucca Local Environmental Plan 1995 (Amendment No 42) (2009-393) — published LW 7 August 2009
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) Amendment (Commercial and Industrial) 2009 (2009-387) — published LW 5 August 2009
State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) Amendment (Riverstone West Precinct) 2009 (2009-392) — published LW 7 August 2009

For maps to EPIs that adopt or follow the standard instrument, see the relevant principal instrument in Browse In Force or Search In Force on

2 NSW miscellaneous statutory instruments published in the Gazette

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101 (2009-394) — published Gazette No 111 of 7 August 2009, page 4731

For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.

3 Legislative events relating to NSW

Consultation or Exposure Bills


Bills introduced etc





Bills revised following amendment in Committee


Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament


Acts assented to


For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website.

Other events

Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc

Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156 (Reprint No 5)