Official notification of the making of statutory instruments and other legislative events
Week beginning 15 June 2009
(Last updated
1 NSW statutory instruments published on the NSW legislation website
Proclamations commencing Acts
NilRegulations and other statutory instruments
Criminal Procedure Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2009 (2009-244) — published LW 19 June 2009
Dust Diseases Tribunal Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2009 (2009-245) — published LW 19 June 2009
Health Services Amendment (HealthQuest) Regulation 2009 (2009-242) — published LW 17 June 2009
Jury Amendment (Fees and Allowances) Regulation 2009 (2009-246) — published LW 19 June 2009
Environmental Planning Instruments
NilFor maps to EPIs that adopt or follow the standard instrument, see the relevant principal instrument in Browse In Force or Search In Force on www.legislation.nsw.gov.au.
2 NSW miscellaneous statutory instruments published in the Gazette
Fisheries Management (Continuation of Activities in Lowland Darling River Catchment) Interim Order 2009 (2009-249) — published Gazette No 91 of 19 June 2009, page 3571
Fisheries Management (Continuation of Activities in Lowland Lachlan River Catchment) Interim Order 2009 (2009-250) — published Gazette No 91 of 19 June 2009, page 3574
Health Services Amendment (Dissolution of HealthQuest) Order 2009 (2009-243) — published Gazette No 89 of 17 June 2009, page 3071
Property, Stock and Business Agents (Auctioneers Qualifications) Order 2009 (2009-248) — published Gazette No 90 of 19 June 2009, page 3103
Property, Stock and Business Agents (Qualifications) Order 2009 (2009-247) — published Gazette No 90 of 19 June 2009, page 3074
For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.
3 Legislative events relating to NSW
Consultation or Exposure Bills
NilBills introduced etc
Appropriation Bill 2009
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2009
Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2009
Casino Control Amendment Bill 2009
Education Amendment (Publication of School Results) Bill 2009
Government Information (Information Commissioner) Bill 2009
Government Information (Public Access) Bill 2009
Government Information (Public Access) (Consequential Amendments and Repeal) Bill 2009
Motor Sports (World Rally Championship) Bill 2009
National Parks and Wildlife (Broken Head Nature Reserve) Bill 2009
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Traffic Offence Detection) Bill 2009
State Emergency Service Amendment Bill 2009
State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment Bill 2009
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009
NilBills revised following amendment in Committee
Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Amendment Bill 2009
NSW Trustee and Guardian Bill 2009
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Mortgagee Repossessions) Bill 2009
Rookwood Necropolis Repeal Bill 2009
Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
Coroners Bill 2009
Courts and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Electricity Supply Amendment (Energy Savings) Bill 2009
Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Amendment Bill 2009
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Mortgagee Repossessions) Bill 2009
Rookwood Necropolis Repeal Bill 2009
State Emergency and Rescue Management Amendment Bill 2009
Acts assented to
For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website.
Other events
Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc