New South Wales Government Crest

Official notification of statutory instruments and other legislative events

Week beginning 26 January 2009

(issued at 14:06, 2 February 2009)

1 NSW statutory instruments officially published online


Online notification of the making of statutory instruments

Following the commencement of the remaining provisions of the Interpretation Amendment Act 2006, the following statutory instruments are to be notified on the official NSW legislation website ( instead of being published in the Gazette:

(a) all environmental planning instruments, on and from 26 January 2009,

(b) all statutory instruments drafted by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and made by the Governor (mainly regulations and commencement proclamations) and court rules, on and from 2 March 2009.

Instruments for notification on the website are to be sent via email to or fax (02) 9232 4796 to the Parliamentary Counsel's Office.

These instruments will be listed on the "Notification" page of the NSW legislation website and will be published as part of the permanent "As Made" collection on the website and also delivered to subscribers to the weekly email service. Principal statutory instruments also appear in the "In Force" collection where they are maintained in an up-to-date consolidated form.

Notified instruments will also be listed in the Gazette for the week following notification.

For further information about the new notification process contact the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office on (02) 9321 3333.

Ministerial Memorandum about new process.

2 NSW statutory instruments published in the Gazette

Proclamations commencing Acts

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 No 7 (2009-26) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 472
Gaming Machines Amendment Act 2008 No 99 (2009-27) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 473

Regulations and other statutory instruments

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Regulation 2009 (2009-28) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 474
Gaming Machines Amendment Regulation 2009 (2009-29) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 476
Public Sector Employment and Management (Minister for Justice) Order 2009 (2009-35) — published Gazette No 25 of 30 January 2009, page 545
Public Sector Employment and Management (Planning) Order 2009 (2009-32) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 502
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Document Verification Service) Regulation 2009 (2009-30) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 495
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment (Mobility Parking Scheme) Regulation 2009 (2009-31) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, page 498
Transfer of the Administration of Acts (2009-34) — published Gazette No 25 of 30 January 2009, page 544
Transfer of the Administration of the Anzac Memorial (Building) Act 1923 (2009-33) — published Gazette No 23 of 30 January 2009, p 520

For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.

3 Legislative events relating to NSW

Consultation or Exposure Bills


Bills introduced etc





Bills revised following amendment in Committee


Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament


Acts assented to


For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website. (

Other events

Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc

Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 No 143 (Reprint No 3)