Official notification of statutory instruments and other legislative events
Week beginning 7 April 2008
(issued at 13:31, 28 October 2008)
1 NSW statutory instruments officially published online
Note: Under development. The online notification feature is under development and currently only applies to the Road Rules. For details about this new feature, see About.
2 NSW statutory instruments published in the Gazette
Proclamations commencing Acts
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Act 2007 No 5 (2008-94) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2649
Regulations and other statutory instruments
Architects Amendment Regulation 2008 (2008-95) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2650
State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation (Pacific National) Order 2008 (2008-98) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2660
State Authorities Superannuation (Pacific National) Order 2008 (2008-97) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2657
Superannuation (Pacific National) Order 2008 (2008-96) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2654
Environmental Planning Instruments
Cessnock Local Environmental Plan 1989 (Amendment No 130) (2008-100) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2678
State Environmental Planning Policy No 50—Canal Estate Development (Amendment No 1) (2008-99) — published Gazette No 42 of 11 April 2008, page 2675
For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.
3 Legislative events relating to NSW
Consultation or Exposure Bills
NilBills introduced etc
Board of Adult and Community Education Repeal Bill 2008
Clean Coal Administration Bill 2008
Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Amendment Bill 2008
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
Dividing Fences and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
Higher Education Amendment Bill 2008
Justices of the Peace Amendment Bill 2008
National Gas (New South Wales) Bill 2008
State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Amendment (Black Opal) Bill 2008
State Emergency and Rescue Management Amendment (Botany Emergency Works) Bill 2008
Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2008
Fair Trading Amendment (Mandatory Funeral Industry Code) Bill 2008
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Election Bill 2008
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (Container Recovery) Bill 2008
Bills revised following amendment in Committee
State Emergency and Rescue Management Amendment (Botany Emergency Works) Bill 2008
Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament
Criminal Case Conferencing Trial Bill 2008
Food Amendment (Public Information on Offences) Bill 2008
Gaming Machines Amendment (Temporary Freeze) Bill 2008
Housing Amendment (Tenant Fraud) Bill 2008
State Emergency and Rescue Management Amendment (Botany Emergency Works) Bill 2008
Acts assented to
NilFor the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website. (www.parliament.nsw.gov.au)
Other events
Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc